I have been neglecting my blog so much lately. My goodness, time has flown by. It has been July since I have written anything. I am ready for cool weather so I can get outside and do some yard work. My favorite saying is "I Don't Do Hot ! It drains me really bad. But, enough complaining.
I found a nursery around here - it is a big chain so I guess I can mention it - Houston Garden Centers - especially since I am promoting them. Anyway, they have all their summer plants(I guess that is the term) all on sale 70% off. We, AH and I, "racked up". We got the majority of our starter landscaping needs for less than $100.00. I thought that was great. Of course, I will spend more eventually - but I called it the starter kit. My favorite flower is the magnolia (I think you would call it a bloom). Anyway, we got a magnolia tree for $8.00. I am talking about a 6' tree. I got all the shrubs I wanted to cover the foundation and some more cactus to add to my cactus farm. I love it ! Anyway, I want it to get cool so I can get out there and plant, plant, plant. I am doing it anyway - but it is hot ! Oops, complaining again. As my family says: "If she ain't compainin - she ain't breathin ! They love me !
I am following the blog of a friend about simple living - Simple Life on Hacienda Hill. I have been following some of her tips in addition to making up a few of my own. Check it out at haciendahill.blogspot.com. I hope this is the right way to direct you to it. But what I am trying to do most is live uncluttered. We actually downsized our living space when we built our house. So everything in our old house would not fit in the new one. Which is a good thing. I cut loose several trailer loads of furniture, knickknacks and other JUNK. Gave it to my favorite charity and a family I have adopted that needed things. I have done simple things that have made a world of difference. I keep my trash can in the laundry room now instead of under the sink or in the pantry. You would not believe how much cleaner things are. We no longer have a dirty clothes hamper in our bathroom or closet. We take everything out and put them in the clothes divider that I bought - whites, colored clothes and towels of all sorts/linens. It takes a few extra steps to do all this but we all could use the exercise. I also bought a 4 shelf unit which holds plastic bins. In one goes clean paper/newspaper/etc., one holds plastics. Recycle is the way to go now folks. Most of the schools and charities have big bins on their property to take all that stuff. I wish I could find a glass recycler in our area. Any financial stuff is kept separate in a "burn" tub and gets burned when we don't have a burn ban in effect in our area. I wish everyone could have that. It is great. I don't even trust a shredder. Anyone who wants to will take the time to put shredded stuff back together. After all, that is all they have to do. Hard to do that with ashes !
Well I will go now. I do have to work at my "paying" job. I hope to not be so neglectful in the future.
Later gaters !
Good to see you back in action! I do so envy your ability to plant real trees and shrubs...hill country living has its perks but living with the green stuff from 'down below' (LOL) is not one of them! I, too, am longing for the cool days of late autumn so gardening can be done without life threatening heat! Write on, fellow blogger, write on!